Sunday, November 29, 2009

A question about face-book privacy?

Hey, i have long resisted the urge to get Xanga, Myspace, and Facebook accounts because i find the idea of internet socialization to be sort of weird and pathetic. I am really "traditional" even though i am a teen still, and i dont like the idea of joining these social networks. I have made my feelings clear to my friends, even though they constantly pester my to get a facebook account. The issue is that recently, my potential-girl friend has asked me to get facebook, and i have to admit it would be really easy to get to know her better, even if i still prefer to "hang out" in real life. I wanted to know if when i sign up for facebook, my other friends would know that i had done so, cause i have my pride to keep intact :P. I just want to sign up to get closer to this girl, cause i really like her and i want things to work out, even if it means going against my stubborn pride. To restate, will my other friends be able to search for my profile on facebook or can i prevent that? Thanks!

A question about face-book privacy?
Yes, there's a way for you to have a profile on Facebook and NONE of your other friends will know.

First, sign up for an account. After you've opened one up, click the "privacy" link at the upper right hand corner. There will be a list of options in the next screen -- click the second one that says "Search." In the middle of the page-ish you'll see something that says "Which Facebook users can find me in search?" Underneath that is a drop-down menu box. Choose the last option that says "Only my friends." Also UNCHECK the box that is below this drop-down menu box. Scroll to the bottom of the page and hit the blue Save button.

Basically what this does is allow your friends who have your email address to add you as a friend, but anyone who searches for you using only your name won't even know you have a Facebook account. If you want complete privacy, I suggest you open a Facebook account with an email address that NONE of your friends know if you really don't want anyone to know you have an account. This is so that if people try to look for you by searching their email contacts, they won't be able to find you with a known email address of yours. That's just a suggestion though. Even if you use your regular email address, setting the options to what I explained above will prevent ANYONE from searching for you on Facebook with just your name.
Reply:At the account options section in Facebook you can either choose to block certain people or everyone, so it is not a problem if you are afraid of strangers viewing your profile
Reply:I think even with privacy on, they can still see that you have a profile, but maybe not be able to look at it, and if you are in their network (you school might have its own network, or your town) they can most likely see you
Reply:acount privacy /ON

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