Friday, April 16, 2010

Am I just too old for all the Face book?

One of my colleagues from the primary school I work at emailed asking me to join the facebook. My twenty year old son Gregory Croquer won't have anything of it though. He says its just for younger people but I think rubbish! He told me no but I wanted to join it so I did. Noone should stop me. But I only know three people on it and noone is listed from my graduation year of school. Im not that far gone am i?? What is wrong with being on it?

Much love, ~~~ Joan Croquer

Am I just too old for all the Face book?
If it makes you happy, do it. Who really cares if you sign up for a computer web page. I love FaceBook, it's fun, interesting a great waste of time when you're bored. Just go for it and have fun.
Reply:Well.... it is a free world after all.

But do you really want to spend your precioius time joining those groups then it is your decision of course.

There are better hobbies you know!! :-)
Reply:na ur ever old enough to be on
Reply:if you are older than 22 you shouldnt be on facebook or myspace
Reply:I've heard younger people say this before. There's resistance to having our parents' generation on Facebook (or Myspace, or any of those sites), because it feels like an invasion of our world. Right or wrong, the majority of users on Facebook are younger (although certainly not all of them), and so users tend to display sides of themselves that they might not be so open about in front of their parents or other authority figures. Which is normal; I'll bet there are aspects of your life that are none of your son's business too!

What they tend to forget is that one's social life doesn't stop at age 30. There is absolutely nothing wrong with anyone of any age being on Facebook or any other networking site. Some people have a ton of fun with it (although personally I find it kind of boring.)

If your son is that uncomfortable with it - and I really can see how he would be (imagine being a 20-year-old, having a supposedly private conversation with your friends, and then glancing up to see that your mom's in the room - yeah) - the thing to do is not stay off Facebook, but establish boundaries. Don't add him as a friend if he doesn't want you to, don't snoop in his profile, keep your networks separate. You're both adults; you can figure out ways to use the same site and still stay out of each other's hair.
Reply:you're never to old for anything unless you are physically or mentally unable to do it!

get on facebook and find some long lost friends and new acquaintances!

all the best!
Reply:Well as a college student, I know Facebook was originally created specifically for college students. So I know I'm among a huge majority of college-aged kids still pretty ticked off that it's now open to everyone. Seeing my mom, uncle, and boss on there is really creepy. But there's no law stopping you and facebook is making way too much money to listen to what anyone who's complaining about it has to say. So go for it if you feel you could get use out of it.
Reply:I think the whole thing should be banned.
Reply:Hello Joan,

If I do say so myself, you can never be too old to use Facebook: I know people who are my Facebook friends and they were born in 1954! Many people, of all ages are starting to use Facebook to be able to connect with long-lost friends, family and colleagues from work. To say that it should be limited to people of certain age groups isn't fair. Why should the young benefit from something that older people can benefit from too? (and vice versa)

Quite frankly, your son Gregory is being quite arrogant (and that should surprise you, seeing that I'm younger than he is) - who is he to tell his mother that she can't use Facebook? As I pointed out earlier a good friend of mine (in real life) who will turn 54 this year has Facebook so that he can connect with his friends from his Harvard years! If you don't find your friends from your graduation year on Facebook, don't lose hope! There are many websites and many services out there that can find that long-lost friend of yours.

Hope this has helped,


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