well you pretend to be my friend .. well you dont even pretend to be my friend
infact you people couldnt care if I lived or died!
typical, I might as well just kill myself. I was going to do it later but I think I will go into the garden now and do it.
I have set up a face book account and you are all welcome to become my friend, as you are all my friends?
Woooo Crispy calm down. If you have a web cam, why not set up something on-line and post us all the link so that we can watch and share you pain properly?. As a good friend, i could then shout out encouragement to you whilst you do it.
Aww Shooting, get a life that doesnt involve Charlotte Church, just because you didnt like my answer to your bitter question!. Pathetic.....
Reply:oh crispy i would be your friend but i promised my hubby i would not chat to any fine young studs on the internet, but i will keep you in mind if i ever divorce hows that sound?
Reply:but crispy, why the garden?
i am avoiding letting facebook into my life. Otherwise, I'd happily "become your friend"
Reply:crispy i am your friend.
Whats your facebook addy, i'll add you
Reply:Come on now crispy creme, don't kill yourself just because you are a fat *** with no friends...I'm sure you can find a good plump chic to get with.
Reply:i think claire's comment is disgusting-even as a joke-if thats how she meant it, she should never encourage anyone to kill themself. how awful-she should be ashamed.
Reply:Why dont you go on facebook and commit virtual suicide?
You will be glad you did tomorrow......probably
Reply:what's the name you used to set up your facebook account?
Reply:Hey, calm down, dont do it, the neighbours might be watching, do it inside your house...
just kidding, hehe
Reply:Get over it dude. I don't know you so I can't say if you are a friend or not. I am so tired of hearing people say I am going to kill myself. Yeah life is hard really ******** hard but deal with it. Stop trying to take the cowards way out. If you were going to kill yourself you wouldn't tell anyone. I had a friend that committed suicide. Its not a funny thing to joke about. People are harsh and what not but if they are then they are not worth your time. There are people out there that as long as you are a good person and don't treat them like crap they will be your friend and be good to you. So stop sulking and start living.
Reply:Oh Shuup Crispy - we all know youre just fishing for compliments! You know we ALL fancy you, even my fella had to admit u r a bit of a HUNK!
i'll b your fwend aahhh
Reply:some ppl do really care about your life.
they are worried about you now including me.
i don't know.. as a regular member on yahoo answers, some ppl's pics and names are familiar with me.
i feel like they are my friends.
of course your pic is familiar to me too.
don't kill yourself.
you are a nice person.
hang in there.
Reply:Crispy if I had a facebook account i'd ad dyou as my friend.
Since i do not have a facebook account i cannot ad dyou as a friend.
So put all suicidal thoughts to one side for the moment and chill.
Reply:It aint even funny , I almost lost my cousin to suicide a month ago , he didnt tell anyone , but I had a gut feeling something was up %26amp; when I went round to his house %26amp; checked well there he was on the floor , I saved his life %26amp; you are talking about it as if it doesnt matter. My cousin knows that he has family who cares %26amp; he has vowed to talk to me about anything he is going through instead of doing anything like that again , if you want friends then make friends but this is the wrong way to go about it.
Reply:Hey calm down mate. u cant kill urself, well u cant use a knife cause it wont reach ur heart by ur unneeded fat lol, just do a diet and go train
Good fake eyelashes
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