Monday, April 12, 2010

What do you think about FACE BOOK?

Is it Good or BAD?..If its Good how can we use it?Do we have to show our messages or friends to every member how can we hide them..Thanks for your information..

What do you think about FACE BOOK?
It's safer than MySpace. You can click on the box to show what friends you want to send messages to.
Reply:It's a brilliant way of keeping in touch with people. But I have one big problem with people can put photos up of you, without your permission, I think there should be some kindof system where they have to get permission from whoever is in the picture.
Reply:it's ****.
Reply:It's fun, but has to be used with commonsense as well as a sense of decency, so far I have enjoyed it immensely.
Reply:I like Facebook, you can show as much info as you would like; you control your privacy.
Reply:Never been on it, sorry.
Reply:Tried it once. Closed my account afterwahile. Wasn't that into it.
Reply:its okay, you can show what you wont, bot you can also hide things from others, if i was you i would look at www. we love it here,
Reply:I LOVE facebook.....i have a myspace and a facebook and i really like facebook more than myspace cause there is other stuff to do than just post things on peoples pages, there is other stuff like quizes (fun ones)
Reply:i think its fine....its more popular than myspace in some areas so i have to have both to keep up with my friends from different places...with facebook you can set your own you can see more of what you want to see from other people and i think you can also make your profile limited and only let certain people see the more important stuff you just have to fiddle and see what works for you
Reply:I its really safe. Not many ads on that site. Its very appropriate for schooling. �
Reply:I don't have an opinion about it or or I have a multiply %26amp; a myspace.
Reply:i don't have an account
Reply:I love facebook! Its insane.. you can be a werewolf AND a pirate AND a mummy AND a zombie all at once!!

Reply:I think its dumb!
Reply:I personally don't like it
Reply:Just Starting my account...!!!
Reply:face book puts you in the lineup for a ego race with all your friends (even though you hate half of them) the aim... like high school reunion objectives... is to one-up-man-ship subtly on your old class mates and work mates. yeah its a nasty old business and im not winning at all lol. oh and you can keep in touch with real friends too.. but wheres the fun in that haha
Reply:Facebook's fun ! and its safer than any other network . I love the professional look of this thing and its a great way to keep in touch with friends. I even managed to find my primary school friends hehe try it, u'll like it . Good luck
Reply:No, you can make your profile private to only your friends.. its okay but i get really annoyed at the fun wall chain like messages ie. send this to ten friends and unicef will get a penny... try to tel my friends to stop but they wont listen.. even tho im not a kid i much prefer bebo as it is better laid out.. one thing on facebook thats grat is scraboulicious, its scrabble and you can play loads of games with all your friends, sounds nerdy but it is super addictive.. facebook is ok, easy once you get the hang of it but as i said all the fun wall and superwall messages irritate me so much
Reply:I like it, i keep in touch with friends and family that i dont see often enough. u can control ur privacy. they send u emails everytime u get sent something so u dont have to keep logging on.

Reply:I love it! It helps you keep in touch with everybody, especially when you go off to college.
Reply:i think its ok it not all that n i takes some time 2 understand how some of it works
Reply:bad, but better than myspace

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